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Youzhi Jun Visits the Government of Xi'er River Prefecture and the First Sino Ukrainian Joint Venture Industrial Park - Pengsheng Industrial Park


-The beautiful Syr River Oblast and Syr River Oblast are located on the left bank of the Syr River in Uzbekistan and at the outlet of the river in the Fergana Basin. The state borders Kazakhstan to the north, Tajikistan to the south, Tashkent Oblast to the east, and Jizak Oblast to the southwest.


Agriculture is an important industry that mainly relies on cotton and grain production. Other fruits and vegetables such as grapes, cantaloupes, and potatoes are also produced. The industry is mainly focused on mechanical manufacturing, construction, light industry, and flour processing.


In September 2009, Pengsheng Industrial Park, invested and constructed by the former governor of Xi'er River Oblast (first from right) and China Ouhai Jinsheng Trading Co., Ltd., was the first Sino Ukrainian joint venture industrial park established by a Chinese private enterprise in Uzbekistan.


The Deputy Governor of Xi'er River and the team of Youzhi Jun inspected the land parcel, and at the foot of the photo was a freight train from Kazakhstan to Tashkent. The land parcel covers an area of 50 hectares, with convenient transportation and obvious geographical advantages.



-The Tree of Friendship between Xierhe Prefecture and Shaanxi Province


-Honor Wall of Pengsheng Industrial Park

-Internal video of Pengsheng Industrial Park

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