Global study tour——Russian stop
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Activity stroke
Itinerary Features
Active object 不限人(rén)群
Activity time 俄羅斯大(dà)學開學季
Activity quota 20人(rén)成團
Trip characteristics
Course Frrangement

There was a generation of people who had learned Russian, hummed the Katyusha and read the masterpeice of socialism,but they had never set foot in Russion. 

Today, we are sitting in the cafe Pushkin on Neva street, enjoying the traditional Russian cuisine and strolling through the ancient cities of Moscow and st. Petersburg.

Hightlights of the itinerary

The story began to reveal itself as the banquet started in the hall with Red history.

Metropol Hotel Moscow, is designed and built by British designer Walcott, which is the best example of architecture in Moscow. The whole building is exceptionally beautiful, especially the Mosaic painting "sleeping beauty" created by Bulbele on the front of the hotel, which is of great appreciation value.

十月(yuè)革命時(shí)期,大(dà)都會酒店(diàn)是召開革命會議(yì)的(de)場(chǎng)所,列甯經常在這(zhè)裏發表演說,毛主席曾率訪問團下(xià)榻該酒店(diàn),During the October revolution, the metropolitan hotel was the place where revolutionary meetings were held. Lenin often delivered speeches here. Chairman Mao and a visiting delegation stayed in the hotel and had Chinese hotpot with Soviet leader, Stalin in the red banquet hall, which became a far-spread story.

In the period of ancient times, only aristocrats and celebrties had the "privilege" of painting portraits

For example, portraits of the royal families of various countries are not only important family materials, precious collections in museums, but also high-level representatives of the fine art works of that era.

Live in the villa and experience the leisure life of Russian upper class.

Gladsky, the famous Russian singer said "For actors, a holiday is a working day.But after the show I would go to my villa with my friends;I like the villa very much because I could enjoy the sunshine here but I can’t stay long."

During the holidays, most people go to the countryside villa for vacation, some people invite friends, or take family to the picturesque countryside for barbecue, picnic.


D1    Fly to Moscow from Chongqing airport 

D2    Pay a visit to Mosccow

D3  Pay a visit to Red square/ Lenin's tomb (according to the actual situation)/saint vasily's cathedral/Alexander garden/bell tower/Kremlin/Treasure house/Armoury/famous department store Gum/Turando restaurant/New saint's cemetery/Mount pigeon/Moscow university (exterior)/Moscow circus

D4   Visit st. Petersburg

D5  Go to Hermitage museum and palace square/experience Russian ballet performance/visit Russian museum/Peter Paul fortress/ Avlerle cruiser

D6 Go to Kimura holiday village for small oil painting exhibition /experience cabin barbecue/appreciate the Russian artists’ paintings

D7    fly back to Chongqing, transfer in the Beijing airport

This is for reference only, please contact Smith for more details.

Global study tour——Russian stop x
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